Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Iron Frau: Not quite the reformer we thought...

F.U. is disturbed to hear the Chancellor of Germany’s plan for the European Union during her nation’s presidency. Dr Merkel wants to resurrect the unsuccessful European Constitution, so it seems.

They just won’t give up will they, these wretched EU-devotees? Not satisfied with creating 70% of Britain’s laws, regulating business to death, scratching for more power, stripping national sovereignty and much more, they want to breathe life into the deceased EU Constitution – which was resolutely thrown into the dustbin of history by the eminently sensible citizens of France and the Netherlands.

F.U. learnt two things in his ‘A’ Level Politics. These precious maxims were 1) the first duty of the state is to protect its citizens, and 2) countries have constitutions. Good lord, they already have a flag, an anthem, and a parliament. Can’t they just be satisfied with that? Do we honestly want to be part of a country called Europe?

Now, before you think it, Mr Urquhart is not a dyed in the wool Eurosceptic – quite the contrary.

F.U. would be more than happy to endorse the EU and the Single Market if only they took a leaf out of Britain’s book. We are, after all, the cradle of democracy, and the envy of the world – so why do we allow our country to take lessons in democracy and governance from France, Germany and all the rest of the European Club? Some of their track records are less than impressive.

F.U regrettably is not enthusiastic about the German Presidency of the EU, and certainly doesn’t think pointlessly banning the swastika and stupidly outlawing Holocaust Denial across the Union is a particularly good start.

After all, is it not profoundly British to tolerate religious expression, in this instance the holy Hindu symbol of the swastika; and to permit free speech regardless of how utterly ridiculous and offensive one’s opinion may be?

There was previously some talk of Frau Merkel's reforming nature, but it appears she is as bad as all the rest.

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